Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Short story draft

I woke up in the same white room I have been for the past 13 years and will wake up in until I die; I pulled myself out of the uncomfortable bed I fell asleep on. I walked over to the bullet proof window and looked out. It was snowing, a very thick snow, another white Christmas for New York City I thought. Nobody was out driving on the FDR highway; even though it was Christmas, I thought that was weird. The clock on Church near by said it was about 10:30, even weirder was the jail guards didn’t violently wake me up, they usually wake me up at 6:30. Just then the buzzer sounded and my door opened, I walked out; nobody, all the doors were opened, no guards, no prisoners, nobody.
I started for the front door and but something caught my eye on the second floor. It looked like there was blood all over the window on the door, I went do to check it out. The door to the cell was open a little, the stench of death immediately hit me. I opened the door fully and a stack of 7 or 8 dead bodies was in the cell. I was so disgusted that I just began to run to the main door. The front door was wide open when I got to it and I ran right outside. I jumped over the jersey barrier and head to the middle of the FDR. I just stopped there everything was so quite; the snow was falling on my face, the wind was blowing in my ears.
I started running down 117th street until a bus was knocked over and blocking the whole road. I started to climb over the bus, once I got to the top of the bus I started to hear grunting and moaning from the other side. I looked up slowly and saw a huge crowd of people just walking around. I began asking where everyone was. A few looked up at me but then just continued to limp around, I didn’t understand why nobody even stopped? I got a closer look at one of the people; it was very pale, almost green looking, a few cuts, and no jaw. Once I realized that I began to yell, but instead of the people just limping around; this time, the huge crowd started to walk towards me. I jumped onto the garage next to the bus and looked out over the street, there were people, just like the ones I saw, all the way down the street.
I stood up on the roof for about a half an hour, I began to freak out. On the opposite side of the bus I began to hear a loud thumping coming down 2nd ave. I calmed myself and jumped down and began running to 2nd ave, there wasn’t anything just a few deserted cars but nothing. The thumping became louder and louder and all of the sudden a huge creature came out of the subway. It was an elephant, commanded it to stop! To my surprise the beast stopped, I started walking over to it slowly. The elephant already had a saddle on it so I just slowly climbed on top of it and began to ride the elephant up and down 2nd ave. Once i got the hang of riding Erny, that what I named my elephant, we began to walk down 2nd ave. I noticed that there was a wall or cars blocking all the streets so people did try to confine the zombies to one small area.
I made my way up to the Robert F. Kennedy Bridge and began to cross the bridge and approached the toll gates. I saw some movement in one of the booths and began to walk towards it. When I got closer I began to see it was a zombie but going against my gut I approached it, when I got closer it was eating out of a man torso. I started to walk away through another gate, I got through the gate and the elephant began to run it ran on to the highway and sped up.

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